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Manufacturer of 
plastic processing machines

ProductsDie heads › Sheet film

film sheet die width 200 mm multi-layers
film sheet die width 200 mm multi-layers
film sheet die width 300 mm (section view)
film sheet die width 300 mm (section view)
film sheet die width 300 mm (vertical)
film sheet die width 300 mm (vertical)
film sheet die, width 200mm (section view)
film sheet die, width 200mm (section view)
film sheet die head
film sheet die head
Film sheet die head

The sheet film die head is designed for mono or multi layers film manufacturing.


- made of high strength treated steel ( special alloyed steel on application)
- surface treatment of high hardness providing, protection against corrosion,easy cleaning and ensuring a perfect material flow    while avoiding material to stick on
- flexible adjustment of the upper lip allowing a  thickness of 1 mm   
- adjustment done by thin thread screws
- lower lip may be removable to modify the thickness
- position of the die head can be vertical or horizontal
- heating done by electric resistances, hot plates or cartridges

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